
About us

Professional Pet Grooming Salon

Each crew member is sincerely passionate about taking care of you four-legged friends, as each of them owns a cat or a dog.

This kind of an insightful care, boosted by our extensive range of regular, exhibition and healthcare grooming services is what made our salon the #1 in the town!

We will be glad to invite pet owners to a cup of coffee or tea, while they’ll be awaiting for their pet to be groomed!


#1 Pet Grooming Service in the city


#2 Pet Grooming Service in the city


#1 Pet Grooming Service in the city


Top Rated Pet Grooming Service in the city

The first thing I did after buying my cute terrier puppy was to call a professional pet grooming salon and ask for their recommendations. They advised me to sign my dog up for a regular grooming schedule, which I gladly did!


Before my good friend and a fellow dog owner Janice referred me to this pet grooming salon, I didn’t have the slightest idea of how many niche grooming services, such as the dog massage there are. Now my Daisy is their happy pet client too!


When I took my corgi Albert to this place for the first time, he was not too happy about taking a bath. But each time as he got used to the staff member who groomed him (Janine), Albert became more and more fond of the process, getting excited even prior to a visit!


A snapshot of our whole crew together!

Still have questions? Contact me right now!